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Luis Alberto Spinetta

Luis Alberto Spinetta: 

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When I was a child my family and I always traveled to the South of Chile. My mom allways put some Inti Illiman's and Los Jaivas' discs, and my father put on the radio some discs about Soda Stereo and Luis Alberto Spinetta. Every summer the same songs. 

Resultado de imagen para viaje en auto

I was not aware of how much I really liked that music, but when I was 13 or 14 years old I started listening my own music: The Smiths, The Cure... but I didn't felt like in summer. So I started listening by my own that bands. 

Resultado de imagen para the cure

Resultado de imagen para the smiths

Also my best friend has family on Argentina, so when I started going more to her home, her family always always listened Soda and Spinetta's music.

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So, I always loved Cerati and Spinetta, but last year I listened for the first time "Cementerio Club" from Pescado Rabioso, a band of Spinetta and I felt like in summer again. It's like feeling like a child again, in my farther's car, on the road, with my dad singing at night, my brothers sleeping and also my best friend, her home, her family and out afternoons with two cups of tea. 

Resultado de imagen para pescado rabioso

Resultado de imagen para noche bosque carretera

I tkink that music is more than just some chords and lyrics, it's also about the place and the time, the people and the memories with it. 

Resultado de imagen para two cups of tea


  1. Omg this is a beatiful story. You are so lucky for have that memories.

  2. Spinetta its my guilty pleasure! I really love him music. Nice story my friend

  3. I also love Spinetta <3, It´s funny that he remeber the summer in your life but I know how that feel.

  4. Is so nice that you can remember your holidays when you listen to Spinetta.

  5. I don't know any song of spinetta!, You should recommend me songs!


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