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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2019


When I was little, like 4 or 5 years old in the school I realized that I wanted to study Art, but in time I started feeling scared about that decision, so I started thinking about architecture, bacause it is connected with art.  Then, my best friend started talking to me about Sociology and I fall in love with trying to understand this world and I took that way, but art is always in my mind.  Also my sister is an artist related with the movies world and it is beautiful, so that makes me to be even more sure that I have to do it.  I dont care if I do a regular major or if I do some courses on my own, because I dont want to see this  as a job, I want to do it for me, if I do it outside  the conutry it will be better because I love to travel, but it is not discriminatory.  I want to be a sociologist, but I also I dont imagine my life without art. It is something that I feel since I was a kid, and I think that when you are a child you really know what y

My future job

When I decided to study sociology I dind't know what to do after finishing my major, but now  -two years later- I think that I'm finding my way.  When I was in school I really enjoyed history classes, but now in university I have classes whit professor Avendaño. He studied sociology and history and now he makes classes of Latin Amercian history, History of Chile and Political Sociology. I'm really falling in love with this major after that.  So now I know that I want to keep in that way, maybe like teaching like him. I can't picture my life in the same place, or in the same city, so I think that I would be happy been teacher because you can make classes or keep learning abut your major in a lot of places. I think that I would be free making that.  I really don't care a lot about money because I don't have planes to make a family for now, so I just want to travel and learn, but if I change