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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019

Luis Alberto Spinetta

Luis Alberto Spinetta:  When I was a child my family and I always traveled to the South of Chile. My mom allways put some Inti Illiman's and Los Jaivas' discs, and my father put on the radio some discs about Soda Stereo and Luis Alberto Spinetta. Every summer the same songs.  I was not aware of how much I really liked that music, but when I was 13 or 14 years old I started listening my own music: The Smiths, The Cure... but I didn't felt like in summer. So I started listening by my own that bands.  Also my best friend has family on Argentina, so when I started going more to her home, her family always always listened Soda and Spinetta's music. So, I always loved Cerati and Spinetta, but last year I listened for the first time "Cementerio Club" from Pescado Rabioso, a band of Spinetta and I felt like in summer again. It's like feeling like a child again, in my farther's car, on the road, with my dad si
Mili  When I was a child I shared my life with some animals. Rayen was the first dog in the family. She was a boxer but my sister decided to adopt a little dog who lived in the street. The both were too big and we had to find an other home for Rayen. Zoe, the other dog lived with us for 6 years. Then she got cancer. It was one of the biggest pains of my life.  In the  earthquake in 2010 a friend of my mom told us that she had found a cat in a bag in the trash. She had broken glass in her legs and she already lived with many cats. We decided to make the cat part of our family. When Mili came to the hose she was an adult cat, so it was hard. She was angry and scared all the time. I had to be a lot with her and we made friends. With the time Mili understood that in our home nobody was going to hurt her. Mili now is ten years old, she is an adult cat and she is sweet, she sleeps every night with me and I really love her. We are friends and I'm really

My best holidays

My best holidays ever were this summer because I traveled with my best friends to the south of Chile just with our backpacks. We decided to travel without a define destination, so first we went to my grandmothers house in Cañete and we were there four days and we visited some lakes next to the house like Lanalhue and Lleu Lleu. Then we made our backpacks and we started the most fun and exhausting part. We started hitchhiking for the first time in my life. The first day we go to Villarica and there my dad invited us to a cabin next to the native forest. It was full of beautiful birds and trees like Canelos and Ulmos. We take a interurban bus to Panguipulli and lunch in the lake some bread and juice. The next day we decided to hitchhike far. That was our only destination. W e walked ten kilometers when a car decided to take us to Choshuenco. Then a couple left us next to Neltume and we had decided to stay there when a man offered to take us to Pue
A country I would like to go is Brazil.  Brazil is the largest south american country with over 208 million people, a lot of tribal nations and a huge biodiversity.  I want to visit Brazil  because this country has six   climatic subtypes: desert, equatorial, tropical, semiarid, oceanic and subtropical. Is the home of peccaries, tapirs, pumas, armadillos and a lot of other beautiful animals. Also the music in this country is amazing because is a fusion of European and African rhythms and the film industry is very varied with movies about poverty, favelas, colonization and more. I would like to visit it for studying because Brazil has a lot of literature about my interests in sociology; symbolic violence. There is a book in Portuguese about mothers and sons in favelas, reproduction of poverty, free education with authors like Paulo Freire and a lot of other amazing works.   I wold like to stay in Brazil for living also because I think ther